Ace Vets are a first opinion practice based in Cranham, Essex, providing a wide variety of services including routine consultation, blood tests, X-rays and ultrasounds, as well as specialist surgeries and other minor procedures.
Ace Vets aim to deliver superior veterinary care to their patients and services to their clients, providing a personalised, modern, and convenient experience for pet owners while offering a cost-effective and transparent service to either insured or uninsured pets.
Ace Vets’ long-term goal is to ensure animals’ welfare and maintain a close client relationship.
This practice is Vetsure Accredited. Find out more about The Vetsure Network.
Ace Vets also offers a Vetsure Pet Health Plan
Pet Health Plan members also benefit from 5% off a Vetsure Pet Insurance policy for the same dog, cat, puppy or kitten.
When you take out a Vetsure Pet Health Plan the discount can be applied to the Vetsure Pet Insurance policy whether you’re taking out a new policy OR when an existing policy renews.
Note that our Pet Health Plan is NOT a pet insurance product. Pet insurance is aimed at providing cover for the treatment of unforeseen accidents or illnesses and does not typically cover preventative healthcare costs.